10 Expert Tips For Growing & Maintaining A Moustache | FashionBeans

Whether you’re growing one for Movember or simply because they’re on trend at the moment (the moustache is the new beard, don’t you know?) a ‘tache takes time to train and needs some TLC if it’s to look its best.

And who better to give some advice on moustache maintenance than ten guys who either have one or look after ‘taches for a living (and in some cases both)?

1. Get Your Timing Right

“The easiest way to trim your moustache in the initial stages is with clippers or a beard trimmer, but after three to four weeks graduate from these to a quality pair of facial hair scissors to trim around the mouth.

This is also the time to start using a moustache comb, along with a little wax. These will help shape your moustache but will also even it out, helping fill any gaps and prevent it from looking fluffy.”

Michael Beardsley, stylist at Pall Mall Barbers in London and owner of a beautifully maintained moustache.

2. Get Scrubbing

“I always recommend using a good face scrub to remove any unwanted food or dead skin cells building up in your moustache, particularly in the early stages.”

Bearded Liverpool barber, Peter ‘Cut Throat Pete’ Cranfield.


3. Shampoo And Condition

“Facial hair can be very coarse, which can make your skin feel dry and itchy – so try using a little two-in-one shampoo and hair conditioner to keep your moustache clean and conditioned.”

Kate Wingrove, Director at Trevor Sorbie salons in London and Brighton.

Paul Mitchell MITCH Double Hitter 2-in-1 Shampoo

4. Cut When Dry

“Do not try to trim a wet moustache. Wet hair is heavier and will hang longer. When it dries and retracts you may find you’ve trimmed too much.”

Chris Martin, Author of The Gentleman’s Guide to Beard and Moustache Management.

5. Give It Some Wax

“I try and keep my ‘Mo’ as natural as possible but understand that some maintenance is needed from time to time. For special occasions, I might give my ‘tache a little treat and get out the moustache wax to give it some definition.

My personal favourite is the Captain Fawcett Sandalwood Moustache Wax – it smells very manly and a little goes a long way. Warm between your fingers thoroughly before applying.”

Ex Royal Marine commando, salt ‘n’ pepper ‘tache owner and founder of British grooming brand The Bluebeards Revenge, David Hildrew.

Captain Fawcett's Moustache Wax - Sandalwood

6. Get Combing

“A moustache comb is an excellent investment if you’re growing a Mo. Not only can you use it to evenly distribute moustache wax and help part your moustache in the middle, it’s also a useful aid when trimming.

Use the comb to lift your ‘tache hair – it’ll make cutting it with scissors much easier – and angle the comb in the same direction as your lips.”

Brendon Murdock, Founder of uber-cool barbers Murdock London.

Men's Handmade Moustache Combs From Murdock London and Kent Brushes

7. Don’t Be Scared Of Stubble

“If you’re worried about how a standalone moustache might look, try growing the moustache longer, shape it with a beard trimmer, and shave the rest of your beard down to a number two or three so your ‘tache is surrounded by stubble.”

Chris Camplin, moustachioed model (below).

Chris Camplin

8. Match Your Mo To Your Face Shape

“It’s crucial to take into account your face shape when choosing a moustache style. Not everyone can pull off the ‘Tom Selleck’ or a pencil moustache, so make sure to strike a balance between your face shape and the style you choose.

If you have a square face opt for a heavy, longer moustache and if you have an oval one go for a medium width style with a slightly triangular shape.”

Asgar Saboo, creative director at Daniel Galvin.

Moustache Styles From Movember.com

9. Know How To Twirl

“To achieve up-turning points on your moustache, take a smidgen of moustache wax, rub between your thumb and index finger and twirl the end with a technique much the same as snapping your fingers.”

Allan Peterkin, author of One Thousand Beards: A Cultural History of Facial Hair.

10. Moisturise!

“The skin underneath a moustache can become exceptionally dry as the hair draws moisture up from the skin, allowing it to evaporate. To avoid ‘tache dandruff’, moisturise the skin under your moustache daily using your fingertips.

Make sure you rinse thoroughly after washing too, as face wash, shampoo or shower gel residues can irritate skin and exacerbate dryness.”

Lee Kynaston (yes, this final one’s from me).

The Bluebeards Revenge Cooling Moisturiser

The Moustache Lookbook

Finally, let’s end with a lookbook of excellent moustaches, collated from around the web:

Men's Moustache Lookbook

Get Involved

Are you getting involved in Movember this year? If so, what type of ‘tache will you be going for? Perhaps you sport a moustache all year round and have a great tip you can share? Let us know using the comments box below…

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