11 Modern Mullet Haircuts To Inspire Your Next Big Trim
The mullet haircut… A divisive men’s hairstyle if ever there was one. Popular with the surfing community, pop-punk types and rock music legionnaires, the mullet has been a stalwart of Aussie style for decades.
What Is A Mullet Haircut?
The mullet haircut, like the Edgar haircut, has spun off into many different guises and variations, but the fundamentals are strikingly simple:
A mullet is defined as featuring short hair at the front and sides but with a much longer section at the back of the head.
This is why you’ll often hear the inimitable phrase “business in the front, party in the back” used to describe this iconic trim…
How To Cut A Mullet
The mullet is unique in that the messier it is, the better it often looks. So, if you’ve got an enthusiastic mate who knows his way around some trimmers, feel free to let him have a go at crafting your dream mullet.
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However, while many of us may liken ourselves to Edward Scissorhands, we’d still recommend going to visit a barber shop if you want the real deal, especially when it comes to getting a perfect fade on the top and sides. Having an expert eye will ensure you get an even length and don’t walk out looking like a lopsided Picasso painting.
How To Grow A Mullet
Growing a mullet requires patience. If you’re someone who usually rocks short hair and has decided to make the drastic change, you’ll need to wait several months, maybe even a year or longer for the hair at the back to grow out.
This, however, is where various interpretations of what constitutes a modern mullet can come into play. Bottom line: as long as the hair at the back of the head is longer than the hair at the front, you’ve got yourself a modern mullet.
Given the mullet’s loose definition, it also works well for pretty much all hair types, so whether you’ve got thick hair, thin hair, curly hair, or whatever else, don’t be afraid to give it a go.
Beware, however, that if you decide to have a number two cut at the front and a number six at the back, you’re fast encroaching into ‘skullet‘ territory, and that’s a whole other thing…
The History Of The Mullet
While the term wasn’t actually coined until the release of the 1994 song “Mullet Head” by The Beastie Boys, the wearing of a hairstyle that was short at the front and long at the back was documented as far back as the sixth century, when it is men rocked a hairstyle called the ‘Hunnic’.
However, the 1970s saw the then-unnamed mullet truly take off, with the likes of David Bowie, Rod Stewart and Paul McCartney all rocking mullet-esque hairstyles. These legendary rockstars are prime examples of what a classic version of the mullet should look like.
Mullets continued to be popular throughout the 1980s and 90s amongst various factions, from sports stars to musicians, and even DC Comics’ superhero Superman.
In recent years, the ‘modern mullet’ has seen a surge in popularity, with short hair seen on the sides of the head, long hair at the back, and medium-length hair on the top of the head.
Our Favourite Mullet Hairstyles For You To Browse
The Classic Mullet
Starting with the classic mullet that set off the entire mullet trend, we have the legendary Billy Ray Cyrus. This type of mullet haircut is one you don’t see too often anymore, with more modern interpretations taking centre stage.
However, for those who wish to give it a go, you’ll first need to grow your hair out to at least shoulder length (the longer you can get it on the back, the better). Then, ask your barber to cut the front and top, and blend it in with the hair at the back to create one seamless flow.
The Modern Mullet
This is the more modern interpretation of the mullet haircut we’re talking about. Less of a contrast between the front and back but still undoubtedly longer at the rear, the modern mullet is one that is far easier to pull off and to maintain.
You’ll get fewer looks of shock when out and about, and instead, you’ll be on the receiving end of comments such as “sick look man!”.
The Mullet Fade
This look takes the modern mullet and makes it more accessible by incorporating a fade. The result is an undeniably cool haircut and one with attitude. There’s no right or wrong with regards to the style of fade either, as a low fade, medium fade or high fade will all work well. You could even experiment with a taper fade. Your face shape, however, may determine the height of your fade, so the best practice would be to ask your barber.
Short Mullet
What do you get when you take one of the very best short haircuts for men and combine it with a mullet? Something similar to the image above, a wholeheartedly modern haircut that will earn you serious style points.
The French Crop part of this haircut (the top and fringe) should be a walk in the park for any well-trained barber but ask them to incorporate a fade on the sides and keep the length at the back, yet in proportion with the top, and you’ll walk out looking a million dollars.
Blown Out Mullet
One of the more recent celebrities to spearhead the charge for the case of the mullet was Stranger Things’ Joe Keery. While he did eventually chop it off in favour of a bowl cut/French Crop, his luscious locks were the talking point of Hollywood. Here, he’s accentuated the length of his hair by blowing it up and backwards, using some high-shine product to not only keep it in place but to give it a thoroughly 80s look, in keeping with the theme of the show in which he stars.
Afro Mullet
Image: Capital Xtra
When Kanye West had hair, he once sported this afro mullet, confirming that men with any hair type can effectively rock the classic hairstyle. Faded at the sides and a similar length from front to back, this is definitely a haircut to try.
Mullet With Curls
Curly-haired guys get all the luck. Not only does curly hair by its very nature look natural, textured and cool, but it actually suits the mullet style incredibly well. Taking a little bit of length off the sides, or using some styling product to slick it back and hold it in place, the curly-haired version looks, well, normal. The natural volume helps to disguise the change in length effectively, making it a surfer and hipster-worthy hairstyle that will remain timeless.
Mullet Undercut
A hybrid haircut of sorts, bringing together elements of the undercut and pompadour to an extent, too. The undercut mullet haircut requires you to grow out the hair at the front of your head so that it can be slicked back, giving the impression it’s extending all the way back round to your neck. This can be helped by having the sides cut short. Most undercuts call for the sides to be cut to the same length, but if you feel like adding a little bit of fading over the ears, then go wild.
Surfer Mullet
Also known as the long-haired mullet, this is the sort you’d see if you look to the waves at any of Australia’s beaches. Once vilified in Australia, surfing legends such as Mikey Wright are championing the iconic cut, which sees the hair on top kept relatively short, while the length at the back goes past the shoulders.
Shaggy Mullet
Image: Pintrest
With Shaggy hair back in style, the shaggy mullet brings the shag to a mullet. To get the shaggy mullet, you can cut a mullet then shag it up or vice versa.
To get the shag, trim the edges to leave a fringe you can let fall or sweep up. The basic idea is to ensure the most volume is up top, and it thins out towards the edges, If you have curly or wavy hair, great! If not, try roughing up your hair for that effortless look.
Mohawk Mullet
Image: Pintrest
A mohawk mullet, when perfectly pulled off, is especially beautiful to look at. Now, since the mohawk is not as wide as the mullet, you’ll first need to have enough hair to get a mohawk, and then you can have a mullet around the mohawk.
This cut is very high maintenance, and you’ll probably need to style it properly whenever you head out, but having slightly more hair at the back makes it a lot easier.
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